martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

1st Semester Activity 1

1st semester Activity #1
To be
Present Tense

Supply the correct form of the present tense of to be. Use the words in the box

AM;                         IS;                        ARE

A.    They _______ pupils.
B.    She ___________ a good writer.
C.    They __________ old friends.
D.   I _____________ a student.
E.     John __________ absent from work today.
F.     The teacher ______ in the classroom.
G.   We ___________ both students.
H.   The weather today _______ good.
I.       The sky _____ clear.
J.      Henry and John _________ brothers.
K.    She and I __________ cousins.
L.     I ______ sick today.
M. She _______ a business person.
N.   You ________ a lawyer.
O.   Today _____ Wednesday.
P.    She and John _______ both good writers.
Q.   The police officer on the corner _______ busy with the traffic.
R.    You ______ old  friends.

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