martes, 7 de agosto de 2012


NAME________________________________________________GROUP 1°  GRADE__________
Responsible: L.I.C. Tomás J. Limón Encinas.

I. Use “T” if the statement is true and “F” if it is false :      (5 points)
“…This marvelous species, can measure up to 15 meters and weigh up to 40 tons. The females possess a strong maternal instinct and the relationship with their young is close and caring.  …”
1.    They can measure more than 15 meters.                                  (     )
2.    Males possess strong mamrnal instinct                                     (     )
3.    The paragraph talks about feeling                                             (     )
4.    “Species” refers to the great whale                                            (     )
5.    The word “CAN” represents impossibility                                   (     )   

II. MATCH THE CLUMNS WITH THE CORRECT WORD                                                                                                (5 points)

1.    Viajar                                                    (     ) weigh                                                    
2.    Ballena                                                 (     ) calf
3.    Cría                                                       (     ) their
4.    Su (de ellas)                                          (     ) measure
5.    Peso                                                      (     ) migrates
                                                              (     ) young

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